
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Text Messaging Marketing Tips and Tricks

Currently, there is another boom happening, similar (but much larger) than the dot com boom of 2000 and the social media avalanche of 2006. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm referring to mobile. There are over four billion mobile phones in use today. So, how can you profit from mobile? Well, you do so through text messaging marketing!

Mobile text marketing (or SMS marketing), as it's called, is the most powerful direct response medium right now. The conversion and response rate crushes any other form of advertising online or offline. Businesses are noting as high as 30% "take action" rates. That's insane, and highly profitable!

What ways are business owners using text messaging marketing? Here are just some examples:

Short-code and keyword integration. This is where you can get a keyword (SUSHI, for example). Then, you can have your customers text this keyword to your specific short code number to get a special deal or discount. Once they do that, they are automatically subscribed to your text marketing database.

You can then send promotions out anytime and be sure that 97% of those people will see it. Expect between 11-30% to take you up on the offer, too! Text messaging marketing like this offers a huge response rate.

Appointment reminders. With mobile text marketing, you can send appointment reminders 45 minutes before someone comes to see you. This is huge because it reduces no-shows by 50% or more. People forget all of the time and it costs businesses more money than they think. Now, that problem is solved, which will grow your income substantially.

E-Cards. You can send polite e-cards to customers with text marketing. This will keep your name in front of them, yet provide them a happy greeting on a birthday, for instance.

Mobile coupons. It's hard to find anyone who's not looking for a deal these days. You can send a mobile coupon offering a discount or a freebie then watch as your business gets flooded with customers.

What I've described here is just the tip of a colossal iceberg when it comes to text message marketing using mobile. It's still in the early stages and those that hop-on will capitalize and profit tremendously. This is definitely not a fad, as everyone has a mobile device these days.

Discover how to get a flood of New Customers with text messaging marketing. For the latest text marketing tips that that increase your income, visit http://DCMobileText.com now!

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