
Friday, June 17, 2011

Location, activity and time

Smartphones, are really smart. They are the most powerful data-collection tools ever created, don’t just tell brands what consumers want but where consumers are. Sometimes they even tell brands what consumers are doing at different times of the day. Spooky when this lightbulb comes on, as you walk into a shopping mall and you recieve a text from the store you are walking towards informing you what they have on offer.

Location, activity and time are a powerful combination, however, many companies, perhaps luckily for smaller brands, focus on the  technology instead of the people using it. In an exploding mobile market the playing field is still level and some local businesses can and are making exponential leaps and challenging them by getting it right.
Noone like telemarketing, it seems too impersonal and invasive so when it comes to mobile marketing if messages lack relevancy, consumers filter them out quickly, this has the potential to damage a brand badly. To be relevant to consumers, and to slip past the increasingly market savy consumer´s filter, companies must shift their approach to mobile marketing.
Consumers no longer passively participate in campaigns. Instead, they respond in real time, You are hot or you are not, influencing both the scope and direction of promotions. It’s a two-way conversation. It’s not enough to release a sparkly new mobile app. Innovative applications are important, of course, but brands have to do more.
Brands have to motivate people to act by designing campaigns as dynamic and flexible as the mobile market, which now includes search, social, video, music, gaming, payments, retail transactions, location-based services and augmented reality.
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Brands need a deep understanding of how mobile apps can drive views, downloads and checkins, and how to schedule specific calls-to-action around the real world that we live in. Release dates, product trials and related campaigns, both on and offline must be relative.
Globaljetbusinesssolutions can offer real-time information monitoring from mobile apps and social media to get you a broader perspective, and work alongside local based business and tailor the user experience on an individual level.

1. People don´t read signs but feel the vibration in their pocket

According to Gartner, the mobile advertising market is expected to double to $3.3 billion in 2011 and swell to $20.6 billion by 2015. The ads on the side of your facebook and google pages are relevant but do you know what they are? Most likely, the answer to that is lost as is destined a huge chunk of those advertising dollars
This dynamic isn’t going to change. A wise brand strategy, then, swims within the current instead of against it, presenting itself as a useful component of the filtering process. More important than ever is the USP for business.
Filtration is key, like niche marketing the more relevant you can be to consumers the better the outcome. Your mobile marketing consultant is destined to be the lifeblood of your business, helping you to hone and define your market and keep you at their fingertips and pouting lips.

2. Your business is personal to you, make it personal to clients

From a messaging standpoint, the great novelty and power of a mobile device is context: A mobile phone is the only consumer appliance that knows where it is at all times, noone is ever further than a few metres from their device
Companies can unlock that power by sending hyper-targeted messages based on narrow windows of opportunity or location. But the process shouldn’t end there. Brands and their agency partners need to know how to get consumers to talk back, to register their preferences in low-key, frictionless ways.
Multi-billion-dollar companies have been built atop algorithms tied to small clickable buttons — think about the “Like” button on Facebook, or the “Was this review helpful to you?” button on Amazon. For Amazon, simply adding that question to each product page brought in $2.7 billion of additional yearly revenue. When people see that their input actually does have some effect, they appreciate it and come back. The more they register their preferences, the more trust brands will build.

3. Sociable service for your customers to talk about

As social networks have become seamlessly integrated into the rituals of daily life, it’s not surprising to see that the social network market has become saturated.
Overall growth is slowing. In 2010, 134.6 million people used social networks across any technology platform each month, and in 2011, that number will rise by a little more than 3%, according to eMarketer. But consider that social networking is now the fastest-growing mobile activity.
Brands need to take this shift into account as consumers get in the habit of checking Facebook on the run if your site is not optimised for mobile social interaction you will be fired.
Facebook is a tool for conversations. Ad campaigns are conversations too. This is a nice coincidence and a useful one to any brand that knows how to effectively integrate the sometimes chaotic feedback that comes streaming in from this new class of smartphone-liberated consumers, jabbing at their phones in stores, schools, trains and homes.

4. Location, activity and time

By combining three types of mobile data — location, activity and time — it’s now possible for marketers to assemble a subtle and detailed picture of consumer behavior, one that also takes into account the shifting personas of consumers. A mom, for instance, is a different person at 7 a.m. when she’s getting the kids ready for school, than she is at 9:00 a.m. when she gets to the office.
A savvy marketer shift her message to stay relevant to that mom within a few hours? Relevancy is both the challenge and the opportunity of the revolutionary data-collection capabilities of smartphones.

1 comment:

  1. mobile application is a new technique and this is really helpful for creating new mobile sites... i like your blog and bookmark this for further use.. Thanks.
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